by Michael Baumgärtner

A Miso-soup is fast and simply prepared and nevertheless an ideal start into the Sushi pleasure. Depending on the season, you may add mushrooms to the soup.
- 160 g tofu
- 2 stalks green onions
- 800 ml Dashi-stock
- 80 g Miso
Dip the tofu briefly into cold water and let drip off. Cut to cubes of approximately 2 cm. Wash the green onions and chop into fine circles. Heat up the Dashi-stock but do not boil. Press the Miso through a strainer and mix with part of the stock. Then stir. Add the tofu and two thirds of the green onions. Let soak well. Strew the remaining green onions on before serving and spice with pepper to your taste.