by Michael Baumgärtner


Omelets can be used in many ways for Sushi. A thin slice, fixed with a slender stripe of Nori to a bit of Sushi rice; thin slices as stuffing for a Maki-roll or just a thick pure slice as colorful addition to a Sushi plate.

The omelets are best baked in a special rectangular pan. The preparation needs some practice and you should not reduce the quantities indicated here even if you prepare smaller portions.



  • 5 eggs
  • 5 tablespoons Dashi-stock
  • 5 tablespoons sugar
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • teaspoon soy sauce
  • teaspoon rice wine
  • vegetable oil


Stir the Dashi-stock, sugar, salt, soy sauce and rice wine in a pot with low heat until sugar and salt have dissolved. Let cool off. Whip eggs carefully with little air and stir everything. Put a little oil in the pan, heat up and pour about one quarter of the mixture into the pan. As soon as the egg mixture gets firm wrap up half of the omelet. Oil again the free place of the pan. Give another quarter of the mixture into the pan and lift the finished omelet in order to spread the mixture under it. Repeat this procedure two times until the whole mixture is used up. Take the omelet out of the pan and roll it with the bamboo mat. Press in a rectangular form. Let cool off before cutting.